| 1. | One of the problems with using pvcs for voice traffic is the level of use often does not make this economical 把pvc用于话音通信的问题之一就是其使用水平经常达不到经济的程度。 |
| 2. | You can further mitigate the risk of simultaneous failures by using different vendors for data and voice traffic 更进一步,你还可以通过数据和语音使用不同的运营商来转移风险。 |
| 3. | Technological development is drived by market . is - 95a standard was defined by tia / eia for high - capacity voice traffic 技术发展是由市场推动的, cdma无线通信技术的发展进程尤其如此。 |
| 4. | Each of these makes svc an attractive alternative , especially when voice traffic is being added to an existing network 这些优点使svc成为一种很有吸引力的替代方式,尤其是话音通信加到已有的网络上时更是如此。 |
| 5. | Although frame relay lessens the overhead of link retransmission , frame relay still requires that the voice traffic cross many physical paths 虽然帧中继减少了链路重发传输的开销,但帧中继仍需要话音通信穿过多个物理通道。 |
| 6. | Ip marketplace is currently focused on using internet to pirate consumer voice traffic from traditional carriers by offering significantly lower prices Ip市场目前正利用因特网,以很低的得价格从传统的运营商那里挖走客户语音业务。 |
| 7. | But if voice traffic must be routed over the network as part of the application , in universal messaging , for example , bandwidth is of paramount importance 但是,如若声音话务是作为应用的一部分必须在网络上传输,例如在通用传信中,带宽具有头等的重要性。 |
| 8. | Besides bandwidth and latency , what other parameter is needed to give a good characterization of the quality of service offered by a network used for digitized voice traffic 数字化的语音所经过的网络,除了对带宽和延迟有要求之外,还有什么参数影响它的服务质量? |
| 9. | The multi - service sdh transport platform in supportive of the voice service has already covered user areas , and is now undertaking the task of transporting voice traffic 为支持语音业务,多业务sdh传送平台已完成对用户区域的覆盖,并已承担语音业务网络的传送任务。 |
| 10. | Telecommunication companies , computer hardware and software companies , and cable operators converge to compete for voice traffic , data traffic , and integration of networks (电信业者、电脑软硬体业者及有线电视业者等逐渐汇流至语音、资料传输及网路整合业务上相互竞争。 ) |